Breaking Barriers: Why Representation Matters in Children's Fantasy and Adventure Books
For generations, children's books have been a staple in households worldwide, introducing children to new ideas and perspectives, expanding their imaginations, and helping them develop essential skills. However, these books have not always been inclusive, with black and brown children often excluded from these stories, particularly girls.
As a parent searching for books to read to my kids at bedtime, it became evident that there was a significant lack of representation in fantasy and science fiction books. It was disappointing to see that our experiences were not being represented and we were not being seen. I wanted to share these stories with my children, but as a black family, we had no options.
But representation matters. Children need to see themselves reflected in the stories they read, feel validated, and develop a positive sense of self-worth. And that's why I'm breaking barriers with my children's stories. By creating diverse characters and worlds in picture books, early reader chapter books, middle-grade books, and graphic novels, I hope to provide representation for children of color in fantasy and adventure books. My stories featuring strong, empowered girls of color offer a fresh perspective on the traditional hero's journey while challenging stereotypes. I want all children to see themselves as heroes and know their experiences are valued and celebrated. Together, let's inspire a new generation of young readers and storytellers!
If you're looking for children's books celebrating black characters, check out my website, My books include Anyia, Dream of a Warrior, Baby Princess and the Lost Doll, Talee and the Magic Flower, and more. All are available in print and e-book formats and are perfect for children of all ages. Whether you're looking for an adventurous chapter book for your young reader or a colorful picture book for story time, my stories offer a fresh perspective on traditional storytelling. Help your child discover the magic of diverse storytelling and inspire them to become their hero with my books.
Also, join me on social media and become a part of the WorldsToDiscover community! Follow me on Instagram @worldstodiscover for updates on new releases, behind-the-scenes looks at my creative process, and insights into the diverse stories and characters that inspire me. I also share fun and interactive content to engage young readers and encourage them to explore their creativity. Together, let's inspire a new generation of readers and storytellers and promote the importance of diversity and inclusivity in children's literature.
"Representation in children's stories is more than just a character on the page, it's about validating a child's worth and inspiring them to be their own hero. By breaking barriers with diverse characters and worlds, we can empower children of color to see themselves as the heroes they truly are." - Jacquitta A. McManus