Jacquitta A. McManus | Worlds To Discover About
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Worlds To Discover isn’t just a name—it's a promise to readers, inviting them to explore, learn, and grow.

Hello there!


I'm Jacquitta A. McManus, and I welcome you to Worlds To Discover, where each book is a doorway to magic and adventure. From the moment I could read, I was enchanted by fantasy stories that whisked me away to realms of endless possibilities. Now, as an author, I craft those adventures with a special twist—making sure every child can see themselves as the hero in their own epic tale.


From my very first book, "Anyia - Dream of a Warrior," which earned a five-star rating from Readers' Favorite, to delightful journeys like "Baby Princess and the Lost Doll" and "Talee and the Maze-a-thon Race," my stories blend whimsy with empowering messages. I founded Worlds To Discover to champion diversity in fantasy adventures, filling a void I noticed in my own childhood where girls of color were seldom the stars.


My mission: To light up young imaginations, encouraging them to dream without limits and see the beauty in our differences. Here's what drives every page I write:

  • Inspiration: I craft each story to spark creativity, instill confidence, and encourage kids to believe in their boundless potential.

  • Empowerment: My characters are diverse, dynamic, and daring, designed to inspire children to discover their inner strength and go against the grain.

  • Diversity: It's my goal to portray a vibrant spectrum of characters of color, celebrating the rich diversity of our world and building bridges of empathy and understanding.


At Worlds To Discover, I'm committed to delivering stories that captivate and cultivate young minds. Whether you're a young reader eager for your next adventure, a parent looking for stories that reflect true diversity, or an educator wanting to expand your classroom library, I invite you to explore my collection and join a community that cherishes the magic of reading.


Together, let's turn the page to a world where every child is the hero of their own adventure. Dive into my stories, and let's discover the magic together!



Jacquitta A. McManus

Fun Facts

My first magazine writeup.

Growing Strong Magazine Write up - Children Book Author

Wacom Repost

Wacom Illustration Repost - Children Book Author
Screen Shot from Puffy Muffin Video - Children Book Author

Screenshot from Puffy Muffin Video


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